Thursday, July 19, 2007

great quote...

Michael Frost wrote this...
"Someone once challenged me that in the world to come there'll be no mission, only worship. I couldn't disagree more. In the world to come we will still be charged with the task of declaring Jesus' rule over all of life. Sure, we won't be feeding the poor or planting churches. Those missional activities will cease when every knee bows, every tongue confesses, and every tear is wiped away. But I'm looking forward to the unhindered mission of the new age, not to an eternal worship service." What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Great, thought provoking quote. Who said missional and worshipful are mutually exclusive terms? I think true worship is mission and true mission is worship. When every knee bows, I sure hope mine will continue to touch down on new ground, new progressions, new revelations. As for now, I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around the active post-universal realm anyways. All I know is that it is and will be good and very good.

Josh said...

They are absolutely wrapped up in each other.